The arrival of January means a lot of things. First, Christmas is definitely over. And it’s not like leaving the tree up in the hopes of extending the holiday season until December 31st (even though you try and convince people it is now a “New Years Tree”). It’s the realization that it is not only time for a new countdown to Christmas, but a new semester. Spring 2012!...and while this year is not slated to be a very good one according to the Mayans, it’s shaping up to be an exciting semester at Regis!
With the continuation of the free coffee on weekends, graduate lounge snacks, and now an ice skating rink, graduate students at Regis are off to a speedy and prepared start. I have continued to spend time between Graduate Admissions and the Student Success Center, helping both graduate and undergraduate students throughout the semester. It has come in handy knowing so many of Regis’ faculty and the roles they play in the students’ lives. For example my Public Policy professor is an individual whom I have seen in the halls at least twice a day in passing at work, and it is nice to have a professor with whom I am already acquainted. There are also various opportunities for graduate students to meet and have lunch with President Hays who is also an RN and is very passionate about advancing nursing education. I am eager to attend the February event and learn about President Hays’ plans for Regis.
As far as classes go, I am enrolled in three for the semester: Advanced Nursing Research, Health Policy, and Advanced Clinical Pharmacology where I will, by May, have the knowledge to prescribe medications (Eee! So exciting!). Many students have said that the class is quite challenging, but I am looking forward to that next level of medication knowledge, as medications are my favorite part of nursing. Health Policy is proving to be a very cool class; with one four hour class once a month and a total of 30 field hours, it is a very reasonable class to take, especially with a busy work schedule. Throughout the semester I must attend Legislative, Executive, and local hearings which revolve around public policy and healthcare laws. At first my heart sank at the idea of attending actual government sessions where I wasn’t sure of the difference between the House and the Senate. And I mean this honestly, government (and really the gavel) frightens me. And this commitment was made even more complicated by the fact that I was from another state and I had no idea where the State House was. But after countless emails to my professor and a little help from the public transportation app on my phone, I was able to find the State House last Thursday on a brisk snowy day. The trip was well worth it as I got to see a bill passed that allowed nurse midwives to practice independently, a very big landmark in the nursing world. I grabbed a Dunkin’ and rode the T back to my apartment eagerly planning my next visit to the “Golden Dome”.
In addition to work, school, and squeezing in a night with friends here and there, I am also in search of a nursing job. Not that RN experience is a requirement to graduate, but I do miss the clinical experience and the patients. Perhaps not this summer but this fall I plan on entering the nursing world in a per diem or part time position. While I have been browsing the internet for places I might enjoy, I am also learning that finding an RN position, at any time, will be difficult within itself. The nursing market today is not wildly keen on new graduates, and many job postings seek nurses with vast experiences and credentials. After scanning through tons of jobs, it seemed like some of the postings read, “Seeking staff nurse, Bachelors certified, 2-5 years experience, with the power to mold titanium rods into balloon-animal shapes”. It is certainly a discouraging process. But nonetheless, I have been fortunate enough to be placed in a program with many highly skilled and qualified nurses who can help point me in the right direction. In addition, I am also reminding myself that this is nursing, and there are hundreds of paths one can take to reach their professionals goals and be successful.
But for now I am very content just having the opportunity to pursue my graduate education; it has been a dream of mine for quite some time and I have faith that opportunities will present themselves at the proper time. And while I wait, I will be sure to acquaint myself with new medications, research proposals, and Congressmen (and women!). Until next time!
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